Constructive model

The Constructive model is made for the study Foster + Partners in our fablab in Villaviciosa de Odon, undoubtedly one of the most complex models we have developed, due to the need to use different techniques and in a very short time material. The main piece is the cover that covers the structure, which was made in two pieces machined in CNC on both sides, however, the closed curvature and the little thickness to be maintained in proportion to its scale did not make it feasible to work directly with digital fabrication tools. Because of this, it was necessary to work the piece by hand, carving with a gouge and sanding by hand.

Constructive model

The Constructive model is made for the study Foster + Partners in our fablab in Villaviciosa de Odon, undoubtedly one of the most complex models we have developed, due to the need to use different techniques and in a very short time material. The main piece is the cover that covers the structure, which was made in two pieces machined in CNC on both sides, however, the closed curvature and the little thickness to be maintained in proportion to its scale did not make it feasible to work directly with digital fabrication tools. Because of this, it was necessary to work the piece by hand, carving with a gouge and sanding by hand.

The Constructive Model is made for the Madrid studio of Foster+Partners in our fablab in Villaviciosa de Odón. Undoubtedly one of the most complex models we have developed, due to the need to use different techniques of digital fabrication and sculpture, in addition to having a short space of time for its execution.



The main piece is the cover that covers the structure, it was made in two pieces machined in CNC on both sides, however the closed curvature and the little thickness that had to be maintained in proportion to its scale did not make it feasible to work directly with the digital fabrication tools. Because of this we had to work the piece by hand, carving with a gouge and sanding by hand. In addition, to make sure that the curvature was correct, we made the necessary templates with laser cut to mark where the material had to be removed.


The constructive model is composed of different pieces:
  • Laser engraved wooden base.
  • Pillars made of wood and carved by hand.
  • Reticular roof structure, made of wood and machined in CNC 2D following a puzzle system.
  • Wooden deck, CNC machined and hand carved and sanded.