International competition model

The architectural team formed by Andrés Perea, Elena Suárez and Rafael Torrelo Arquitectos, commissioned the EXarchitects team to make a model for a proposal in an international architectural competition. Once we received the information and the basic planimetry, our team started to plan and manufacture it in our fablab in Villaviciosa de Odón.

International competition model

The architectural team formed by Andrés Perea, Elena Suárez and Rafael Torrelo Arquitectos, commissioned the EXarchitects team to make a model for a proposal in an international architectural competition. Once we received the information and the basic planimetry, our team started to plan and manufacture it in our fablab in Villaviciosa de Odón.

The architectural team formed by Andrés Perea, Elena Suárez and Rafael Torrelo Arquitectos, commissioned the EXarchitects team to make a model for a proposal in an international architectural competition. Once we received the information and the basic planimetry, our team started to plan and manufacture it in our fablab in Villaviciosa de Odón.




To begin with, the premises of the project team were that the model should convey the different changes in the materiality of the façade and its opening as it rises.
Our team opted firstly for the model of this international architectural competition, for the realization of a base machined by CNC in white methacrylate with the details of the environment. Secondly, the construction of the base in the shape of petals is made with 3D printing in ivory white resin. Finally, the vegetation is represented by a silver wire.
On the other hand, the tower combines different materials:

  1. The core of the tower model, with the carpentry details, is made of 3D printed translucent nylon.
  2. The opaque parts of the facade are made by 3D printing in ivory matt white resin. The rest of the parts have been painted in metallic gray, thus providing the change of materiality sought by the project team.
  3. The various antennas and vertical supports that cross the entire structure are through metal rods. These are joined through the various 3D printed parts at the top of the tower.