Kubik Shelf 2.0 Parametric Shelving

The Kubik Shelf 2.0 parametric shelving is part of the Kubik shelving line. Included within a family of furniture designed by EXarchitects that tries to respond dynamically to the needs of storage and interconnection of electronic devices. It is a system that can be viable both in domestic situations, in professional environments or even as a product display system.

Kubik Shelf 2.0 Parametric Shelving

The Kubik Shelf 2.0 parametric shelving is part of the Kubik shelving line. Included within a family of furniture designed by EXarchitects that tries to respond dynamically to the needs of storage and interconnection of electronic devices. It is a system that can be viable both in domestic situations, in professional environments or even as a product display system.

The parametric Kubik Shelf 2.0 is part of the Kubik shelving line.


Included within a family of furniture designed by EXarchitects that seeks to respond dynamically to the interconnection and storage needs of electronic devices. It is a useful system for domestic situations, as well as for professional environments or product displays.


First of all, the parametric Kubik Shelf 2.0 is based on a system of growing storage elements of different sizes and whose capacity evolves according to needs. Therefore, it can respond to movement patterns, colonizing spaces from a point or other types of custom algorithms. In addition, the system can also have a form of contact or support on the wall or floor. The materials are customizable, always playing with the duality between a fastening or support element and boxes (lacquered MDF, plywood, lath…). The manufacturing system is by means of CNC mechanizing in our Villaviciosa de Odón fablab.

Kubik 2.o, following the line marked in the first version of Kubik shelving, as it evolves the design towards a simpler and cleaner model in which the boxes are not intertwined with each other. The boxes are manufactured by means of a random component, between predetermined values (although they could be fixed pre-established values) as is the case of the boxes defined for the speakers and the projector.

In the particular case of Kubik 2.0, what we can see in images responds to an expansive growth system based on the projector as the central element and on which all the boxes previously oscillate. This method tries to solve the user’s predefined needs, which are to locate an entertainment system made up of 2 speakers + 1 projector, with previously established measurements and interconnect them so that they work harmoniously and eliminate visible wiring. The materials used in this case are birch plywood for the base or template on which the rest of the white lacquered MDF volumes rest.

We show you photos and sketches of the design process:

Project data

Name: Kubik Shelf 2.0
Design: EXarchitects
Year: 2014
Measurements: 1808 x 1197 x 430 mm
Materials: Phenolic birch plywood treated with semi-gloss transparent primer + white lacquered MDF
Photographs: Alicia Andrés Izquierdo
Manufacture and 3D development: EXarchitects
Assembly and Lacquer: Carlos E. Pacajes OAK-EbanistasOAK-Ebanistas

